🦉Please note: the lesson plans we’ve linked to below are only available to members. If you’d like to be supported in curriculum-based outdoor learning, please take a look at the membership options available.
Plastic-Free July
A global movement where we can work together to be the solution to plastic pollution. The aim is to rapidly reduce and eradicate the use of single-plastics use, in turn, making a massive difference to the environment.
National Picnic Month
There’s nothing quite like eating outdoors, it makes a somewhat ordinary experience, extraordinary, and is a right ol’ feast for the senses.
1st – 7th July: Clean Beaches Week
A study by researchers at Exeter University found that a whopping 271 million recreational trips to the beach are taken in Britain each year. During summer, more waste than ever is left on our beaches, injuring wildlife and humans and polluting our seas.
The Scottish Coastal Clean-up organises beach cleaning sessions and has removed 40 tonnes of plastics from Scottish beaches.
Surfers Against Sewage are calling for volunteers for their Million Mile Clean. Even if you don’t participate in an organised clean, you could endeavour to collect a bucket of waste each time you visit a beach – it’d make such a difference!
10th July: Don’t Step on a Bee Day
Bees play an integral part in the balance of our ecosystem. And, as such, we all depend on their thriving. While it’s really important that you don’t step on bees, this is a day where you could learn more about bees and create habitats to support them.
12th July – 4th August: Big Butterfly Count
Another hugely important initiative. During the Big Butterfly Count, we’re asked to spend a minimum of 15 minutes counting the number of moths and butterflies we see including what species. The data is then collected and assessed by the Butterfly Conservation to help gauge the health of our environment. Their website has an app and handy chart you can download.
13th – 28th July: Festival of British Archaeology
It’s a special year for the Festival of British Archaeology as 2024 sees its 80th anniversary! Throughout the festival, local community groups, universities and heritage organisations will be hosting events to celebrate how archaeology brings together our history and how we interpret it. We’ve got a couple of lessons for you: Experiential Archaeology – Making Ink and Pencils, and, Digging into History.
Do also take a look at Archaeology Scotland’s Hero Awards which are free and are designed to be accessible to all, regardless of age, academic ability, or background.
Historic England has The Champion Heritage Schools Scheme, too. Heritage Schools are schools that are committed to embedding local heritage into the curriculum, ensuring young people develop a sense of place, a connection to where they live, and an understanding of the significance of people and places in local, national and world history.
17th July: World Emoji Day
Love ’em or loathe ’em, emoji have elbowed themselves into the fabric of our communication. So much so, that we have a whole day dedicated to them!
26th July – 4th August: Love Parks Week
Whether we’re enjoying a stroll, tucked up beneath a tree with a good book, tucking into a picnic, or watching our class play tag, our green spaces are well-enjoyed and well-loved. Love Parks Week is a week dedicated to those spaces. A week where we can sing about them from the rooftops and make a concerted effort to get out and enjoy them some more. Probability: A Walk in the Park is a lesson to help with that and Shark in the Park on a Windy Day.
27th July – 11th August: National Marine Week
A week, that’s longer than a week to make space for the differing tidal patterns, to embrace all that’s marine and coastal. The Wildlife Trust have declared this year’s theme as “Sea the Connection”. Highlighting how as an island nation we are all closely connected to the sea and why a healthy thriving marine environment matters. Our Sea Measures lesson is a perfect way to tie this week to outdoor learning.
27th July – 2nd August: National Preserving Week
Preserving is a technique that’s thought to be over 1,000 years old which also reduces food waste. National Preserving Week encourages us to give the technique a go with the BBC Food website providing lots of delicious-sounding recipes.
Let’s Get Social
We love seeing what you’re all up to when it comes to outdoor learning; please do find us on social media (we’re on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) and tag us so we can have a nosey.