🦉Please note: the lesson plans we’ve linked to below are only available to members. If you’d like to be supported in curriculum-based outdoor learning, please take a look at the membership options available.
1st June: International Dinosaur Day
Dinosaur Day is a ‘roaring‘ (see what we did there?!) day for teachers and young people, alike. Explore the fun and intriguing prehistoric world of dinosaurs with how the dinosaur lost his roar, dinosaur measures, and by going on a dinosaur walk.
3rd June: World Bicycle Day
A day dedicated to the celebration of the humble bicycle. A simple and sustainable mode of transport. Do take a look at our road safety experiment lesson.
2nd – 8th June: Child Safety Week
The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) created this week to help raise awareness and understanding about child accidents and the prevention of them. We firmly believe children should be involved in the conversation surrounding their safety and have a Child-Friendly Risk Assessment available. You may also find the following blog posts useful: What Are The Sustainable Development Goals And How Do They Impact Outdoor Learning? and The Country Code.
5th June: World Environment Day
An annual celebration of our beautiful planet. This year’s focus is on desertification, land degradation and drought resilience. We have some lovely lessons to support your outdoor learning link to this awareness day. There are Repeating Patterns in our Environment, Environmental Maths, Environmental Numbers, and Environmental Print. If you’d like to learn how to unlock your concrete playground, read our series of blog posts on how to do that – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Other great reads are Disconnecting From Nature and Enclosed By Walls.
8th June: World Ocean Day
Our oceans play a remarkable role in our everyday life and we must do what we can to conserve and protect them. Sea Measures is a lesson that’ll tie-in this awareness day to outdoor learning.
10th – 16th June: Bike Week
We’re encouraged to get biking this week, and every week, for the benefits of cycling on our health and the planet are huge. It makes sense to take the chance, this Bike Week, to teach children about road safety too.
13th – 17th June: School Grounds Week
You’re in for a treat this School Grounds Week as we’ve got resources aplenty to support your endeavours, no matter the space you have available to you. Whether you have a small or big space, here are some ideas of ways you can make the most of it. It’s the perfect time to start a school garden and we’ve got a lesson to help you with that. Sensory gardens are wonderful places to foster a sense of calm and a connection with nature. If you’re feeling uninspired by your concrete playground, give this a read. Otherwise, this blog is a good place to begin: Uncomplicated Lessons: The Heart of Outdoor Learning. And, these lessons will pull it all together: Playground, Local Area, and Country.
16th June*: Den Day
Who doesn’t love building a den!? It’s a fun way to engage a group in team-building and adventure as well as being a conversation starter for us about how there are children worldwide who lack access to secure shelter. We’ve got a Den-Building Risk Assessment for you and these popular lessons: The Koala Who Could Build a Den and Make a Hedgehog Den.
21st June: Summer Solstice
In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky, making it the longest day of the year and the shortest night. This height of summer is a grand time to do a Summer Scavenger Hunt and Make a Sundial.
21st June: Make Music Day
A wonderful day to celebrate and make music no matter your age or ability. This is a particularly playful day when incorporated with outdoor learning. Make a Twiggy Xylophone, learn about Natural Rhythm, and discover 20 Fun Things To Do With Sticks.
22nd June: World Rainforest Day
Did you know that there are rainforests in the UK? There are! And, according to the Woodland Trust, “Rainforests in the UK are part of the Coastal Temperate Rainforest biome. This habitat is globally rare and some say is more threatened than tropical rainforest.”
23rd – 29th June: Insect Week
Children love Insect Week! As such, we’re prepared with lots of lessons to help you all get outside and learn about them. First up, read about why Nature Identification Skills Matter. Then, dive into this treasure trove of lessons: Bug Identification, Superworm, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and our Butterflies ID Card.
29th June – 19th July*: Children’s Art Week
A world without art is a world that’s a lot less colourful and creative. Children’s Art Week can combine participation in creating art of all kinds with the cultural and historical significance of it.
Let’s Get Social
We love seeing what you’re all up to when it comes to outdoor learning; please do find us on social media (we’re on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) and tag us so we can have a nosey.