Kit for Outdoor Learning
We often get messages from schools asking what kit is worth buying to enable staff to utilise the outdoors to improve learning. Schools looks through the many catalogues and often feel swamped by the options out there.
However, here at Love Outdoor Learning, we believe that outdoor learning should improve learning but not be difficult, costly or time consuming. Therefore, we suggest a simple backpack for each teacher, which includes
- Wool/ yarn – great for arts and crafts, measuring, marking off areas and more
- Chalk – take your writing, letter formation, art, maths or more outdoors
- Laminated register – it is easy to keep track of who is there and who is not
- Medications – I often kept these in the front pocket so children knew where to find them
- Phone – it lets you contact the school and them contact you
- Camera – great for gathering evidence
- Measuring tape (10m and ikeas little ones)- handy for maths and more
- Mini first aid kit – you never know when you will need it
- Small ball – turn taking or games
This is the kit I would use as a teacher. It helped me teach across the curriculum and rarely needed any additional equipment.
Is there anything you think needs added? What are your key items?
Keep an eye on our upcoming posts to get more lesson ideas and tips to help you take learning outdoors!
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