About Us
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Our Story

Love Outdoor Learning was founded by Carol Murdoch. She is a teacher who quickly discovered the magic of taking learning into the playground and beyond. With almost twenty years of working in education, she has experience teaching in primary, severe and complex schools and ASD bases.
Throughout the years’ Carol has and is working on wide range of training. This includes a Master in Learning for Sustainability (with an outdoor learning focus), Lead Teacher in Outdoor Learning, Woodland and Coastal Activity Leader Training and also a Forest School Leader(level 8 FOLA).
Carol loves to support schools by providing training, advice and resources helping teachers break out of the classroom and deliver learning outdoors.
Carol is one of the countries leading educational consultants supporting schools in Scotland, the UK and across the globe. She delivers training, presents keynote speeches and is passionate about helping schools develop high quality outdoor learning.
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We might just be a wee company but we are making big changes. In 2021 we have supported over 7,000 teachers and 300,000 children and look set to have provided in person support to over 100 schools by the end of the year!
Carol has won awards for her outdoor work and innovative approaches. While working with schools she also provides support to a range of colleges and universities.
We love seeing children develop a love of the outdoors. It is a real privilege to see them grow and develop confidence and resilience. We enjoy helping teachers develop confidence and developing their skills and knowledge.

Carol Murdoch,
Founder of Love Outdoor Learning
“As a teacher I quickly discovered that taking learning outdoors removes barriers to learning and helps all children progress. There is a magic that can be found in playgrounds across the country!”
Our innovative approach has led us to gain widespread recognition. You can read about us in the press, books or even find out when we have been on the TV here. If you are interested in what awards and recognition we have received, you can find that here.